Image format

  • All illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  • The “figures” (diagrams, graphics, images …) are numbered in Arabic numerals (“Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, etc.) and identified by a title placed above the illustration. Tables (data or text) are numbered independently (“Table 1”, “Table 2”, etc.).
  • Illustrations inserted in the document must be attached, in HD version, when sending the article, in separate files, via the submission form.

Image format

La Peaulogie is primarily an internetic publication. We encourage submissions accompanied by image, video or audio. Where possible, images and other figures included in a submission should be formatted to meet the following guidelines:

    • JPEG, PNG, TIFF or EPS
    • Rgb
    • 300 DPI

Copyright guarantee

Authors who wish to publish in La Peaulogie are required to guarantee the rights to any work present in their submission that belongs to a third party (photo, drawing, graphic, video, audio, quotation, etc.)

Obtaining the necessary rights and permissions in third-party works can be a lengthy process, so we recommend that you get started as soon as possible. When requesting these rights, please share the following information:

  • La Peaulogie is an open access journal, made public and freely accessible online as well as through downloadable PDF files.
  • La Peaulogie is also available in paper version, on demand, sold at cost of printing.
  • La Peaulogie operates under the following license: CC BY Attribution International (learn more about this license here)

When requesting the assignment of these rights, we also ask you to request non-exclusive international rights, without period of validity:

  • The right to include the work in La Peaulogie
  • The right for La Peaulogie to archive, conserve, produce, reproduce, publish, copy, translate, distribute, communicate, convert in any format and make this article available in printed version or online by telecommunication to the public for non-commercial purposes

Finally, the rights holder must affirm that the work in question is his original work and does not infringe any rights of others, including the rights of confidentiality and publicity.

The editorial committee asks the author to provide any proof of the beneficiary indicating the transfer of his rights for the medium in question, as well as the complete reference of the work.


In order to provide accessible content, we ask authors to include descriptions for each image in their article.

These descriptions are intended for our audience who require the use of screen readers. Below are the guidelines for writing the alternative text:

  • The text must be brief (approximately 125 characters)
  • Text must describe the content of the image
  • The text should avoid expressions such as “image of …”
  • The text must not repeat the information in the caption or article
  • If the numbers are part of the text, they should be written (e.g. fifteen instead of 15)

When describing images, it is important to describe not only the content of the image, but also the context. When writing your alt. text you may ask yourself:

  • Was this image described in detail in the text of the article?
  • What is the object of this image?
  • What in this image is relevant to the article?
  • Why is this specific image featured in this article?

This process is fluid and will change dramatically depending on the nature of your article.


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